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Download MiSide

Common Issues: Some devices may experience crashes or freezes due to emulator compatibility issues. 1. How to start: After installation, open the launcher, click the "+" in the upper right corner to create a new container > Set the relevant parameters, and select Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060 for GPU > Click "Save" in the bottom right corner to create the container > Start the container > Find the D drive folder > Move the mouse and click the MiSide-GoldBerg folder > Locate MisideFull.exe > Double-click to start the game. 2. How to use the virtual keyboard: Press the phone's back button or slide the side screen (depend on device) > Click "Input Control" (second option) > In the dropdown window, select "FPS Keyboard". 3. Installation failure: Open the file manager, search for "miside", and delete all three folders found in the search results. Then, reinstall the application.

Download FAQs

With APK INSTALLER, you can install Android games with.apk and.obb files all in one convenient container. Installing the container is as simple as installing any other apk file. After that, use our installer to set up the game.
Like APK INSTALLER, XAPK contains both the apk and the OBB files. For the.xapk file to be installed, a third-party installer like XAPKS Installer may be necessary.
The installation of either the original or a different version on the device causes this issue. Kindly remove those and then install our version again.
Just let us know by email or social media, and we'll take care of it right away. Link management for hundreds of games and apps is a pain, and we make mistakes from time to time due to exhaustion. It is important that you feel empathy.
To Play PPSSPP apk games, you need to Download PPSSPP emulator + The ISO File, Install PSP on your mobile and select the ISO File inside the emulator to play the game.